Thursday 21 July 2011

There’s no one quite like grandma………

The site where I had lived for the last 10 months was in Romford Essex and now I was going to live in Devon, in Brixham, by the sea and all that country air. I was going to be able to swim in the sea and see cows and sheep and breathe good fresh air, but first because it was a long drive and because my father’s mother, my granny, lived in Stepney we would be stopping off at hers over night. Great I thought I can meet family see who they are and find out what their like. Well as it turns out I got the wrong end of the stick, we weren’t just popping in to see granny, she was coming with us, oh and my dad didn’t have a car, it was a camper van and we were going to all travel down to Devon together in it, Me my duck, my sister, our father and his mother. As we arrived at grannies in the afternoon, we would be staying the night and all going off in the morning. This sounded ok but there I go again putting a shine on it all! Well I was sat in grannies flat and eating a sandwich and drinking tea, old eastend tradition is to give the guests tea and sarnies, and I over heard her say, “well they aint sleeping in my bed ‘til they’ve had a fu*king wash or something, great I thought, running water, HOT running water, maybe even a bath, how brilliant. Then she appeared in the door and said your gonna have to have a bath before bed, yippee I thought, I was right a HOT bath, how lovely, wrong! The bath was run and I was told to go and get in it, so I did, to my surprise, and shock granny appeared at the door once I was in and said “your filthy, look at you, you’ll have to have a scrub”, and she went, I carried on enjoying the hot water, then she was back and she had brought a scrubbing brush, you know the one you do the floor with. I thought am I supposed to use that, well no ‘I’ wasn’t. My granny knelt by the side of the bath and instructed me to stand up, I felt reluctant to and stayed where I was sitting in the water, with it just covering my pride, and then it happened, dear sweet grey haired old granny, shouted “stand up I said”, I leapt to attention and she proceeded to grab the soap and rub it roughly into the brush, and I thought, she’s going to do that to me, and she did. Whilst she scrubbed me with the brush she started a rant that I remember to this day, “Living on a gypsy site, exactly what I’d expect from that bloody woman, look at you, you haven’t had a bath in weeks, you’ve probably got fleas, and you smell like shit”, I giggled a bit when she swore, then I realised she meant my mother was that bloody woman, and I thought hey don’t be rude about my mum, well if that was rude, then I was in for a bigger shock, she just kept on with the insults, but they were filled with her trade mark anger and bitterness, fucking scum this, useless tramp that, I did my usual thing of shutting down, and thinking play dead, stand still it will be over soon and you can, then I realised I couldn’t do my usual and run, I was stuck here and it was only going to get worse. The ordeal over I was just pleased to be in the bed and away from her and now my dad, he hadn’t stopped her saying the things she said, we were in an old council flat in the eastend of London, he must have heard what she had said, she wasn’t trying to keep her voice or her thoughts to herself, fu*king great out of the frying pan, into hell, now sleeping with the devil, where the fuck is the fire, it would’ve still been a blessing.

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