Monday 18 July 2011


My mother had lovers, this was something I didn’t enjoy, mainly because they wanted to “make me a man” they always seemed to see my love for my mother as a weakness never a sons love always weak, I guess I was a bit of a weakling, my weight wasn’t an issue when I was 9 years old. There were issues though, these men who had my mother’s affection always knew what was best for me, “ he needs to toughen up”, “he cries too much” and guess what they always had the cure all, teach him to fight, stop him from sitting on your lap, my mother listened and coerced me into trying out their remedies. I hated them all every last one of them but the one who I hated the most was “him”, “he” always knew how to wound, to take my mother’s glance from me and this he relished in. He even got his brother to join in when he visited so I had no one I could turn to for relief; I hadn’t thought of food as a friend yet but only a few years to go before I used that crutch.
In her wisdom my mother listened to “him” and one night when I was about 9 my sisters and I were woken up to go on an adventure, I mean in the dead of night we were piled into a van with all our belongings and told that we were moving to a very special place, where we could live free and safe!
We had done what is known in the trade as a ‘moonlight flit’!

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