Monday 18 July 2011

Where did I begin……

So my parents met not sure where, when and how, but they did and began their life as is often the case, from the wedding to the maternity unit with hardly a pause, and in the 50’s this was how it was done, do I think they were in love, I guess then yes, by the end of their marriage certainly not.
I have 2 sisters older than me and one younger, the age gap between us all is not that great, so I think my parents just got pregnant as they were living their lives, planned or not they were having kids!
I love my sisters and know they love me, but throughout our lives the tools and mania our parents gave us, have certainly hindered our ability to just love each other, we have fought for it and ultimately hurt each other whilst trying to love each other.
Someone once said “you don’t fight for peace, you peace for peace”, so learning that love is joyful and peaceful has been a hard lesson my sisters and I have “fought” for.

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